Where did I learn all the things I know?

I have 13 years of personal practice, which leads me further and deeper every day. I kept on my practice during my pregnancy and also after the birth of my daughter. Besides that Im certified by:

Czech Yoga Academy (Česká akademie jógy), where I graduated at FTVS with a paper specialised on Yoga birth preparation program.

Association for Yoga And Meditation (Rishikesh) – 200 h Yoga Teacher Training

UNIFY – Excercise for pregnancy and after birth

Power Academy – Pregnancy yoga

Centrum Regeneračního Vzdělávání – Masseur for sport and wellness

Czech Aromateraphy Association (Česká asociace aromaterapeutů) – Basic aromateraphy course

Among my other interests and education belongs also body-mind techniques, dance and psychosomatic healing.

Earlier I used to teach beginner, intermediate and pregnancy yoga at Jóga Letná studio, Třetí oko studio, World Class fitness, Slunečnice maternity club and within my own premises.